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Micro Vermont

It was the beginning of the pandemic and I found myself grounded, but discovered a new way to travel.

Before the world came to a stop, I was lucky to be able to live my isolation in a remote cabin in Vermont, and I just purchased a macro-lens. The woods around me became my world, and I began noticing the intricate details I’d overlooked before—the veins of a leaf, the spiral of a shell, the tiny universes hidden in plain sight. It was a powerful lesson: beauty is always there if you look closely enough. Nature has a way of repeating itself, from the tiniest atom resembling a planet to molecules mirroring the dance of solar systems. Everything is connected, small to big, in a breathtaking pattern of life.

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Fabien Rousselot
International Funky Frenchman
A keen eye with a gentle heart

Blessed with a path of adventures, diplomatic trouble and sheer luck, Fab manages to explore this vast world and capture beauty in the little corners of our lives. Intrepid and decadent, watch him attempt to align his passions with his work life while he tries to inspire others with tales of adventure and anecdotes of his life.

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